The Keeper of Secrets

Burnt and Oiled Oak


height: 244cm / width: 115cm / depth: 100cm

Apparently most adults keep an average of thirteen secrets they would never, ever reveal, and Misti is no stranger to the experience, having hidden her gender identity from the world for over thirty years. While her 2019 work ‘The Untold Secret’ expresses the escapologist nature of the secret itself, this work expresses what it actually feels like to keep sensitive knowledge from escaping over a long period of time.

No good ever came of keeping secrets – it is a lonely and solemn experience, weighted down with duty and responsibility, that isolates you as you stand on ground that could erupt at any moment, in simultaneous protection and judgement of precious knowledge, and fear that your duplicity will be revealed.

This monumental work was carved over a period of four months from a single piece of Oak, and while the burnt , brushed and oiled finish gives the piece a surface that is soft and velvety to the touch, it doesn’t obscure the evidence of the chisel marks, all made by hand.

The Keeper of Secrets is permanently on show at, and available to buy through The Sculpture Park, Farnham.

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